What can we look forward to from the Select Board?
Thursday, April 27, 2023
Click here to see a recording of the forum
Orleans’ town election will take placeTuesday, May 16, Much of the ballot will include a number of items related to action at the Spring Town Meeting.
There are also a number of positions that will be voted on, including two Select Board seats.
Andrea Shaw Reed and Mefford Runyon have filed papers for these positions. Both are incumbents who will be running for re-election.
On Thursday, April 27, the candidates participated in a Candidates Forum hosted by the Orleans Citizens Forum at the Nauset Room in Town Hall. This was an in-person event, live streamed, accessible by zoom and archived on the Town and Orleans Forum websites.
The candidates were introduced, given a chance to make short statements about their priorities during their second term. A question-and-answer session followed.
The Orleans Citizens Forum is an unbiased, public service organization dedicated to keeping
the residents of Orleans knowledgeable about the issues confronting our town