What do we need to know to be informed voters?
Thursday, October 17, 5:30 p.m. – 7:00p.m.
Orleans Senior Center
150 Rock Harbor Road, Orleans
Orleans Fall Town Meeting is on Monday, October 28, followed by an election on Tuesday, November 5. The warrant for Town Meeting has recently been finalized and is accessible on the Town website (click here Town Meeting Warrant) and in hard copy at Town Hall. We encourage all voters to take a look at it before the Town Meeting.
To help raise awareness about important articles in the warrant, the Orleans Citizens Forum will host a presentation to discuss these on Thursday, October 17 at 5:30 p.m. at The Orleans Senior Center. This will be an in-person presentation. It will be taped and archived on the Town and Orleans Citizens Forum websites.
The panel, moderated by Walter North, will include the following speakers and topics:
- Mark Mathison, Select Board Chair, will review Funding Housing Trust (Article 20) and Housing Initiatives (Article 21)
- Jamie Balliett, Vice Chair, Advisory Recreation Committee will share the Recreation Committee’s work on the Pickle Ball (Articles 9) and Recreational Facilities (Article 10)
- Hakim Janah, Vice Chair of the Energy and Climate Action Committee will share their work on Climate, Sustainability, and Environmental Action Funding, (Article 12)
- Kim Newman, Town Manager, will discuss free cash: What is it? How is free cash determined and how is it spent? As part of this discussion, she will share information on Article 11: Acquire Land Located at 72 Tonset Rd
- Constance Kremer, Chair of the Finance Committee will be available to discuss more information on the warrant.
Each presentation will be followed by a question-and-answer session. Questions may also be submitted in advance through the Forum’s website, or by emailing info@orleanscitizensforum.org.
We look forward to seeing you on October 17th.
The Orleans Citizens Forum is an unbiased, public service organization dedicated to keeping
the residents of Orleans knowledgeable about the issues confronting our town