Thursday, September 28, 2023
Watch it on YouTube
(Note: there are problems with the early part of the recording)
Orleans has new leadership: A Town Manager, a new Select Board Chair, and turnover on the Finance Committee. The September 28 Orleans Citizens Forum offered residents a chance to hear from some of these leaders on an array of subjects found in the warrant for the upcoming Town Meeting (October 16: our economy, natural environment, human resources, public safety, recreation, and wastewater, to name a few.)
We tried a more interactive format allowing lots of opportunities for questions.
Our panelists:
- Kimberly Newman, Orleans’ Town Manager: shared her early impressions of Orleans, her thoughts about where the Town should be heading, and how key articles in the upcoming warrant might move the Town in that direction.
- Michael Herman, Chair, Orleans Select Board addressed key articles in the warrant and discussed the Select Board’s goals for the coming year and its progress to date.
- Constance Kremer, Finance Committee provided the Finance Committee’s views on Orleans’ financial situation as well as discussing warrant items.
Moderating the forum were Martha Sherrill and Emily Miller from EXIT 89, the hyperlocal e-digest with a mission to explain Orleans town issues and demystify Town Meeting.
For more information about OCF, click here.
The Orleans Citizens Forum is an unbiased, public service organization dedicated to keeping
the residents of Orleans knowledgeable about the issues confronting our town