Tuesday, October 24, 2023
150 Rock Harbor Road, Orleans
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All over the nation, school districts have been working hard to overcome difficulties that arose from the pandemic for children, teachers, and administrators. Orleans schools have faced these challenges and have had, and are continuing to have major successes, including the Nauset Regional High School Building Project, and the academic achievements of Orleans Elementary School. There are still areas that the schools are working on in their post-covid journey to ensure that our students receive the help and support they need with respect to their academic, social-emotional, and physical growth and development.
This forum explored the progress the schools are making in these areas, and provided parents and other community members, and educators an opportunity to ask questions and voice your thoughts regarding this transformative time in education.
Forum speakers included:
- Gail Briere, Orleans Elementary School Committee Chair
- Brook Clenchy. Superintendent of Schools
- Judith Schumacher, Nauset Regional School Committee Vice-Chair
- Michael Brink, Moderator
The Orleans Citizens Forum is an unbiased, public service organization dedicated to keeping
the residents of Orleans knowledgeable about the issues confronting our town